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Marine Buoys and buoys lights

1.5m Dia Buoy

5 GPM Marine Oily Water Separator

1.5m dia Buoy : a range of low maintenance, cost effective, small to medium sized polyethylene buoys for the marine navigation industry. Send Enquiry

1000 Mm Dia Buoys

Deployed in over 35 countries, Tideland's high performance multi-purpose and channel marker buoys are ideally suited for use in harbors and rivers. These polyethylene buoys use the same materials and manufacturing technologies UV Stabilised polyethylene provides rugged, lightweight buoys with exceptional station-keeping, long-life and stability. The hulls are filled with expanded polystyrene making the buoys virtually unsinkable. Buoys are available in red, green, yellow, white, black and orange. Optional self-adhesive reflective sheeting provides international day and night identification.

Marine Oily Water Separator 45 GPM

2.2mm Dia Buoys

2 GPM Marine Oily Water Separator
2.2mm dia Buoys : a range of low maintenance, cost effective, small to medium sized polyethylene buoys for the marine navigation industry. Send Enquiry/td>
Shore application.
T-107 Units Meet IMO MPEC 107(49) and New USCG Regulations
T Units Meet IMO MPEC 60(33) and Old USCG Regulations
Other units are uncertified and do not include the oil content monitor

Marine Equipments